7 Hidden Reasons Your Content Strategy Isn’t Working for Your eCommerce Blog

Many reasons could be responsible for your content strategy not working out the way you want. 

You may need to focus more on a critical part of the strategy, or perhaps, the entire strategy has loopholes and you don’t even realize it yet.

If you can’t pinpoint where the problem is coming from, this article will help you.

Based on expert knowledge, we’ll explore seven reasons your content strategy isn’t working for your eCommerce blog. 

7 Reasons Why Your Content Strategy Isn’t Working for Your eCommerce Blog

Whenever your content strategy isn’t giving you the expected result, one of these reasons could be responsible. 

Reason #1: Targeting the Wrong Audience

Yeah. You may have been shooting the right shots, but not just at the right people. 

Imagine an e-commerce store that keeps writing about corporate fashion trends, but most of its customers are young people looking for casual wear. 

This is why you need to write content for your specific target audience.

  • Who actually needs the products you sell?
  • Do they belong to a specific gender, age group, job title, economic background, or location?

Understanding these details will help you craft high-quality content that targets your ideal audience. 

Reason #2: Insufficient Budget and Documentation

Jennifer Lopez once said; “You get what you give. What you put into things is what you get out of them.

Be careful not to stifle your content strategy with a meager budget in the name of cutting costs. Your basic budget should accommodate getting SEO done professionally and hiring experienced writers if you are not a writer yourself. 

More importantly, document everything you do. 

You should have a record of every blog post and the corresponding SEO keywords. The record should also show the date you published each blog post and how many views or engagements the content attracted over some time.

Documenting every part of your strategy, action plans, and results will help you identify what’s working. 

And if you find some content performing better than others, adjust your budget to hire more writers so you can produce more of such content. 

Reason #3: Not Optimizing Enough for SEO

Optimizing for SEO starts with conducting keyword research before even writing any blog post at all.

Use tools like Semrush and Ahref to find words, questions, and phrases people are searching for – that are related to your products. These keywords should guide your overall content strategy.

But don’t let your optimization stop there.

Optimize other parts of your eCommerce website that can affect your overall search rankings.

For instance, if you have different types of comfortable brown shoes listed on your eCommerce store, and during keyword research, you notice many people search for “comfort shoes.” 

Based on that, you create different articles around comfortable shoes for adults, teenagers, and elderly folks. 

However, you can also infuse the keywords in the product descriptions as well. You can improve your rankings by changing a product description from “adult brown shoes” to “adult comfort brown shoes.”

Such adjustments will go a long way in boosting your search engine rankings and complementing the SEO of your blog posts. 

Reason #4: Ignoring Cross-Promotions

Publishing a couple of well-optimized blog posts on your eCommerce blog doesn’t mean they’ll get traffic automatically. 

Even if the blog posts are “super-optimized” for SEO, it may take days, weeks, or even months for search engines like Google to rank them. 

So, what should you do during the waiting period?

Start by promoting the blog posts on social media, public forums, groups, and every other platform you can access. Send an excerpt of the blog posts to your email list, so they can read the full post on your website. 

You can also submit some articles as guest posts on popular websites, and direct readers to visit your eCommerce blog for more valuable content. 

Reason #5: Not Exploring Content Varieties

Who says you can’t put videos inside your article or make an entire article about a fascinating video you found? 

As much as you want to be SEO-conscious, remember to also satisfy your audience with interesting content. Feel free to experiment with webinars, ebooks, infographics, and short videos as well.

And don’t leave out social media in your content strategy. 

Reason #6: Omitting Calls-To-Actions

What should a reader do after reading your blog post to the end?

If you don’t tell people what to do sometimes, they’ll just read and move on to something else. 

You can direct your audience to leave a comment, register for your free ebook, or subscribe to get notified about new content on a specific topic. There’s also no crime in directly asking your readers to check out products in your eCommerce store. 

And you can also suggest that they read other blog posts on similar topics or products. 

Reason #7: Selling Too Hard Everywhere

Don’t let your blog posts sound like a giant block of ads screaming; “Buy from me !!!” 

Even your existing customers wouldn’t enjoy reading an article that is trying too hard to sell them a product. Prioritize educating your customers and adding value to them before attempting to sell any product. 

Focus on writing product reviews, product comparisons, how-to guides, and tips articles.

  • The product reviews will often focus on the features, price, pros, cons, and use cases of a particular product. You can also add a link to the product at the end of the article.
  • Replicate the same for product comparison articles that compare the features of two or more products. 
  • As for your how-to guides and tips articles, focus on providing valuable information to your readers. 

Pro Tip: Repetitive or Boring Content

It’s not about your writing skills or the writers you hire. 

People can lose interest if your eCommerce blog keeps rolling out repetitive content with nothing new or exciting. 

You can avoid this issue by switching things up and writing about trends, industry news, and thought leadership topics. You can also conduct simple surveys to ask your customers what they would like you to write about. 

Take time to learn from the most prominent players in the eCommerce niche as well. Study how your competitors are keeping up with trends, and use your findings to develop unique ideas of your own. 

Final Thoughts

Now that the secrets are out, troubleshoot your content strategy using all you’ve learned in this article. 

Conduct proper research to understand the content that attracts your ideal audience. Ensure you also allocate a good budget to your content efforts and consistently promote your blog posts on various platforms. 

Once you figure out where your content strategy is lacking, invest enough time and resources to seal the loophole. 

Remember, the journey to driving customers from your eCommerce blog isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. 

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