Blogging Guide For Saas Companies: Everything You Need To Know

Maintaining an active blog is the cheapest way to drive paid signups and increase revenue for your SaaS product. 


Google – the largest search engine in the world with over 8 billion searches per day, can drive organic traffic to your website – when you post valuable content on your blog.

Yes. Google can do all the heavy lifting for you – when you’ve laid a solid foundation to attract organic traffic.

But how, still?

You’ll want to read this guide.

In this explicit blogging guide for SaaS companies, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about SaaS blogging, and how it can help you drive organic traffic. 

But First…What Is a SaaS Blog?

A SaaS blog is a section of your website aimed at educating your target audience about your product.

Now, “educating” involves several things. 

Generally, it involves giving valuable information about the products and services offered by your SaaS company. All of which can include:

  • Industry news
  • How-to guides
  • Product reviews
  • Trending SaaS topics
  • How to use your product
  • Tips and tricks to using your product
  • Addressing the pain points of your audience
  • Product reviews & comparison with other competitors
  • How your audience can overcome their pain points with your product

…and many more. 

Step-by-Step Blogging Guide for SaaS Companies

Now that we’ve established what a SaaS blog is, let’s dive into how you can start blogging.

Step #1: Lay the Foundation 

The first step is to understand your target audience on a deeper level. Do detailed research to uncover details like gender, age range, pain points, and interests.

You should also gauge the awareness level of your audience.

Awareness levels range from being fully aware, semi-aware, or unaware of your products or services. Also, decipher their search intent, whether they only need information or want to make a purchase immediately.

Tools like SEMrush, Surfer SEO and Ahrefs can help you with this research. 

Step #2: Create a Content Strategy for Your SaaS Blog

The content on your SaaS blog must be strategic and well thought-out. 

Your blog content must align with SEO best practices if you want customers to find your products through Google.

Question is, how do you create content that actually ranks on Google and drives customers to you?

The answer lies in having a targeted content strategy.

A content strategy is a game plan that helps you dance to the tune of Google – to easily attract customers to your business from Google.

Like the GPS for your content – a Content Strategy guides where your content should go, how to get there, and ensures it doesn’t get lost in the jungle of other “content” out there.

Here’s how to create a content strategy 

  • Action Point 1: Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of uncovering keywords that your target audience uses to discover products or services in your industry. You’ll need tools like SEMRush, Surfer SEO, Ahrefs, or Answer the Public to dig out powerful keywords and topics people search for in the SaaS industry. 

A Screenshot Showing Keyword Research

A Screenshot Showing Keyword Research

Keywords fall into two major categories:

1. Branded Keywords

Branded keywords have your “brand names” in them. These keywords are often used by people who know about your business. They just need help navigating to your website or a particular section of your website. For example, typing “Binance” into the search engine will most likely bring up Binance’s website. 

2. Non-branded Keywords

On the flip side, non-branded keywords don’t have your “brand name” in it. However, they’re keywords still used to find brands in your industry. For example, “non-branded” keywords like; “top cryptocurrency company” and “where to buy cryptocurrency” can find crypto companies like Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, etc. 

Do you get the picture?

Now, non-branded keywords rake in the most customers.


Because these people don’t even know you exist. They just need a solution to something– or need information on something. So they run to Google. 

Once you do detailed keyword research, you’ll discover these keywords, and they’ll guide you in creating your blog content. 

  • Action Point 2: Categorize Your Keywords

Now that you’ve discovered the keywords your target audience uses, it’s time to categorize the keywords accordingly.

You have to categorize the keywords you’ve discovered (from your keyword tool) according to the audience you’re trying to target, and their search intent as well.

These keywords will guide your next step because they’ll determine your content pillars and every other content you publish.

That’s your content strategy right there. 

Step #3: Create a Content Pillar

A content pillar includes article topics built around major keywords.

For instance, let’s say you have a SaaS AI tool. During your keyword research, you discovered that the keyword; “AI-powered SaaS tools” is a trending keyword with high volume. You can create a content pillar that’ll include several article topics to target that keyword AI-powered SaaS tools.

This may include:

  • Top 10 AI-powered SaaS tools
  • How to use AI-powered SaaS tools
  • Pros and Cons of using AI-powered SaaS tools

…and other relevant titles.  

You get the picture?

In a different scenario, you may discover your target audience keeps asking search engines how to explore the features of your software or other questions generally relating to your SaaS. In such a situation, you’ll build another content pillar around these keywords, answering all of these questions in detail. 

Step #4: Start Writing Content

Now that you know the audience you want to target, you’ve done keyword research, and you have your content pillar in hand, it’s time to start writing content.

How to Create Engaging SaaS Blog Content

Now, it’s not enough to just start writing articles. 

Your content must be interesting and engaging. This is important so you can wield the attention of your audience from start to finish.  Here are some tips to help you create more engaging content. 

1. Use Storytelling

Till the ends of time, people will always love stories. Most people will sit through a lengthy fiction or real-life story if it’s interesting and inspiring. 

So, how can you make use of this fact?

Incorporate stories in your blog posts. Find clever ways to convey your points using case studies, anecdotes, or cajoling sentences.

2. Include Eyes Candy

Make your content visually appealing.

As much as people enjoy reading stories, they also love videos, pictures, and other engaging visuals. Try GIFs, infographics, or real-time images

3. Don’t Be Boring

No one wants to read boring content. Doesn’t matter if your product is about gamma-equation-waves-in-the-sphere of Pluto’s orbit, or the most boring concept ever. Find a way to make it interesting – because that’s the only way anyone will read and digest your content. 

Even in the most “professional” space ever, a little joke or humor in your blogs won’t hurt. Find a way to spice things up.

Blog Post Ideas for a SaaS Blog

Here are some creative ways to write content with target keywords in mind.  

  • How-to Guides

You can create blog posts providing step-by-step instructions on how to use your software. Such guides inform your customers on the features and capacities of your product or service. Here’s a screenshot of a typical how-to guide:

Screenshot showing a “How-to” guide. Image source: Zapier

  • Tips & Tricks posts

Use this type of blog post to share information that users may not know. Share unconventional ways of using your software. 

Here’s a classic example of a tips & tricks post:

Types of SaaS blogs

Screenshot showing a “Tips & Tricks” post. Image source: Hubspot

  • Case Studies & Customer Testimonials

Show how existing customers use your SaaS in real-time. Include case studies and customer testimonials with metrics if available. This will make prospects more drawn to your SaaS and convinced that your product is of immense value. 

See an example here:

Screenshot showing a Case Study. Image source: Zapier

  • Thought Leadership Posts

Share expert opinions within your particular industry or field. Ensure your posts provide unique perspectives, insights, and forward-thinking ideas. 

Here’s an example:

Screenshot showing a “Thought Leadership” post. Image source: Neil Patel

Feature Spotlights and Reviews

Share the best features, benefits, and real-world applications of your SaaS. Use detailed examples or case studies to show how your SaaS solves major pain points.

See the screenshot below. 

SaaS Blogging

Screenshot showing a “Feature Spotlight” post. Image source: ClickUp

Why SaaS Companies Should Be Blogging

The most important reason ever — is to acquire more paying customers.

No one will find your SaaS online if Google and other search engines don’t know you exist. But if that doesn’t convince you, here are other reasons you need to be actively blogging. 

  • Free Organic Traffic

Active blogging is the easiest way to make search engines drive organic traffic to your SaaS website.

An interesting benchmark report by Animalz revealed that 83% of popular SaaS blogs get almost all their traffic from organic search. This report further showed that SaaS companies that are actively blogging – generate 67% more leads every month. 

Picture this: You recently launched a SaaS company that offers cloud storage for mobile phone users. You have a functional website that runs perfectly. Question is, how would you make Google and other search engines recommend your website to thousands, possibly millions – of people searching for “mobile phone cloud storage” (or related keywords) every day?

The answer is simple – active blogging.

When you do proper SEO-rich blogging, thousands of people searching for related keywords in your industry will find your website on a regular basis. 

  • You’ll Save Money on Ads

Now, let’s flip the switch.

If you were to take the route of paid ads, you’d have to pay for every single visit to your website, even those who don’t convert. That’s not only expensive in the long run, it is clearly unsustainable for most businesses. 

With SEO-optimized blog content, you’ll have new visitors landing on your page daily. In turn, you’ll get free leads at zero cost.

Question is, do you want more leads?

Pro Tip: Using Social Media for SaaS Blogging

Social media can prove powerful when combined with blogging. It’s where you can get more eyeballs on your blog.  

You can break down your lengthy blog posts into small digestible chunks and post them on social media for a wider reach. 

Here are some helpful tips for distributing your blog content on social media: 

1. Use Attractive Visuals: Use GIFs, infographics, videos, and images to make things interesting and boost engagement on your social media.

2. Use Hashtags: Relevant hashtags can bring you more visibility and drive traffic to your blog. If you’re posting about AI-powered tools, you can hashtag #productivity #AI tools. So when people search for these keywords, you have a chance to rank on the social media platform as well. 

3. Automate Posts: You don’t need to manually post on each of your company’s social media accounts every time. Automation tools like Buffer and Hootsuite can help you simultaneously distribute content across all your social media channels.


1. How Do I Write a Blog For SaaS?

The best way to write for a SaaS blog is by addressing pain points and conveying a high level of expertise while doing so. Take time to demonstrate expertise in your product category by writing on high-quality topics and thoroughly addressing critical points.

2. What Is SaaS SEO?

SaaS SEO is the process of optimizing a SaaS product and its website content to rank higher in search results. This involves including relevant keywords in the content, as well as optimizing the website’s structure and design. Other critical strategies include keyword research, site audits, on-page optimization, creating high-quality content, and building backlinks from high-authority websites.

3. What Is B2B SaaS Writing?

Business-to-business (B2B) SaaS writing involves writing content specifically tailored for businesses offering software solutions as a service. This type of writing communicates SaaS products’ value, features, and benefits to a business audience. B2B SaaS writing can include (but is not limited to) content formats like blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, product documentation, and marketing pieces. 


A Summary on SaaS Blogging 

After reading this explicit blogging guide for SaaS companies, you may feel a bit overwhelmed by what you have to do.


It’s not difficult. Take a deep breath and start setting up your SaaS blog step by step. 

However, you can also partner with a reputable content marketing agency like Inscribe Agency to take the stress off you.

Remember, successful SaaS companies maintain an active blog. Don’t be left out. Stay ahead of your competition and start pushing out blog content today. 


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